Homeless Prevention
Financial Liberation Training Academy is fully dedicated to teaching our financial liberation training within homeless population by financial life coaching in shelters throughout California as well as community/resource centers.
FLTA raises awareness of the ripple effect of poverty and lack of healthy financial options within low income communities. Most of society assumes that people in these communities are aware of healthier options due to upbringing, but most people located in these areas have been hindered from basic financial education and examples for generations. This has created a disconnect for many generations of people, and has created a growing void of awareness of opportunities in society that are commonly known in other communities.
The Root Issues
The Homeless population is a unique population in our society due to the complexity of underlying issues such as lack of financial literacy, addiction, depression (Mental health) Inflation, lack of resources, etc. Statistics show that most people are homeless due to lack of money management skills that causes people to accumulate and drown and expenses. These expenses later lead to debt, which affects your ability to rent or buy a home.
When most of society reaches this area, they become emotionally triggered in ways that causes drastic ripple effects in the community. These things include resorting to committing illegal acts to resort from financially drowning, resort to substances that lead to addiction, Depression, even suicide.
Due to lack of financial literacy in urban communities, people have relied on unhealthy financial options and practices that have caused more negative ripple effects in society than any other issue combined. The FLTA is raising awareness to this dangerous cycle, and how Financial Liberation Training provides the necessary tools and strategies to rebuild, rely on and thrive in society.
Green Zone (Thrive Zone)
The green zone is a financial position of Stable income, where a foundation can be built that will allow other opportunities to be created, held and grown. To reach this zone multiple healthy financial options must be utilized on a consistent basis. This can only be accomplished by having or creating a mindset through a mix of financial education, examples through upbringings, as well as exposure through association.
FInancial Liberation Training is designed to give people the proper tools through a mix of examples and strategies, in order to guide them to the green zone.
Yellow Zone (Risky)
The yellow zone is unfortunately where most of society is located. This zone is a zone that different financial stages of people struggle with due to lack of money management with a rise of inflation. Most Americans are in debt, and or living check by check. There are countless statistics on this ranging from Millionaires with high expenses who are at risk of losing everything if they miss their overhead monthly, to average everyday Americans who are at risk of losing everything at the loss of a job.
Money management is a huge problem not only for society, but the government as a whole. This is due to the structure of the US government being built on debt and leveraging debt. Debt keps workers working, while the business owners (Rich) thrive. By educating people on healthy financial practices, along with healthier employment options and strategies that will help them save and climb, will create less triggers for people who are struggling to stay clean from crime or old practices. FLTA believes this is the foundation for reducing recidivism, as well as building a thriving society by allowing people to utilize a unique financial training that will equip them with the tools to build or restructure their lives.
Red Zone (Danger)
This zone is considered dangerous due to numerous studies of crime and addiction linking directly to poverty. This zone is emotionally triggering, which studies have shown has led to the majority of crime, fraud, divorce, suicide, as well as other major ripple effects that has destroyed millions of families around the country…
FLTA believes by providing the proper tools through financial life coaching, mentorship, as well as our 12 week financial training curriculum, we can lead people back up to the yellow zone that will ultimately keep them on track to reaching the green zone. The strategies in this curriculum are tailor made to give you the most current financial options/strategies to help you succeed upon your release. But, before starting, it is important to identify the difference between Healthy financial options, and Unhealthy financial options…